Tips For Remedies Hair Loss After Pregnancy

Posted on Mar 11, 2020 in Beauty Tricks for Moms

Tips For Remedies Hair Loss After Pregnancy

Pregnancy can be a very difficult time for most women out there. This is such a phase when women have to go through a whole lot of situations. However, it is not just during pregnancy but also after pregnancy when women experience a downside. Women after pregnancy do not only experience that baby weight and big belly but also experience postpartum hair loss. Going through this hair loss phase for new mothers can be very disheartening. But, some remedies that can certainly put you out of your misery.

Tips to prevent unnatural postpartum hair loss

Most women, after pregnancy, experience a lot of hair fall due to various reasons. However, the main cause behind this hair loss is the changing hormones that affect your hair follicles to a great extent. Due to that, your thick hair quickly turns into thin hair and becomes a reason for your worry.

We understand that losing your hair can be a big deal, but there is nothing to panic. What you need to do in this situation is simply following the remedies hair loss after pregnancy period. These remedies should do the trick for you to get back your lost hair in no time. Some of these remedies include:

hair fall

After your pregnancy, it is very important to take extra care of your health. To prevent losing your hair and getting your old thick hair back, you need to eat right and healthy. You should have a balanced diet with enough nutrients.

Make sure to take your vitamin supplements and drink loads of water along with it.

You need to be gentle with your hair during this time. To do that, you need to massage your scalp with lukewarm oil. You can also put many natural DIY hair masks to make your hair healthier.

Make sure not to use any shampoo with harsh chemicals during this time. These chemicals can be a major reason for your hair loss or hair thinning.

You should avoid using any heating appliances on your hair and dry your hair naturally. Avoid using any curling iron, hairdryer, or blow dryers during this time.

Avoid any type of hair chemical treatments during this time and rely only on natural treatments.

Summing Up!

In most cases, even when a new mother follows all these tips and tricks to avoid thinning their hair, they experience unnatural hair fall. In that case, it is strictly advised to see a practitioner or a dermatologist. You might be having a postpartum thyroiditis condition, because of which this hair loss is becoming excessive. A healthy mother is always a happy mother. Just like you take care of your newborn baby, you should start pampering yourself as well.